For our last meeting, the Cincinnati Writers topic was “What I’m Leaving Behind.” As one of my dearest friends, I know of many attributes that make Diana extraordinary. But after she read her writing to our group, I knew I…
In May I signed up for the August 18 Book Fair in Springfield sponsored by Hen House Publishing. It was to be held at Mother Stewart’s Brewing Company. As the date approached, I wondered what I was getting myself into. Before I…
THE GIFT In the last few years, several of my friends and I experienced significant losses. The anguish involved in loss is rarely welcomed, and often seen as the price one pays for having loved greatly. I, however, tend to…
This post, a continuation of my August 1 post, is about how life intervened on my and Debra Winegarten’s plans to “sing, dance, and catch up in person.” I looked forward to seeing Deb at the Story Circle Network conference…
Debra Winegarten first became a central figure in my life in August of 2015 when she and I tied for third place in the Story Circle Network’s Life Writing competition. I didn’t meet her, however until April 14, 2016. It…
…my power is made perfect in weakness. …for when I am weak, then I am strong. ~II Corinthians 12:9-10 With our culture’s emphasis on self-reliance and succeeding through our own efforts, we in American have a hard time understanding Paul’s message…
We sat in a circle sharing our recent experiences of invisibility. We had each offered our passions and our wisdom to others in our circle of influence. We were ignored or discounted as women often are, especially older women. As…
Spiritual realization is simply awakening to a direct stable perception that all beings are already and only the one Beingness of all things. … Full enlightenment isn’t required, but an intuition of this orientation is a necessary foundation for a…
In many ways, my recent confrontation with the unwieldy and heartless Medicaid bureaucracy mirrors the experiences I wrote about in my memoir, A Long Awakening to Grace. I had naively believed that my daughter had achieved stability and I was…
The most important lesson I have learned in the fifty years I have spent working toward the building of a better world is that the true work of social transformation starts within. It begins inside your own heart and mind,…
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