December 21: Linda to visit The Plot Sisters

Linda to visit The Plot Sisters on December 21.

The Plot Sisters ~~ Traci Ison, Jennifer Harer Messaros, Christina Consolina, and Jennifer Harper Messaros (Ruth Templeton Kain not pictured)

I have a long history with The Plot Sisters. I first met this group of vibrant members of Dayton’s supportive writing community in Katrina Kittle’s Character Development Class. Then I met four  of them again at the Mad Anthony Writer’s Conference (pictured here). Christina served as one of my beta readers and gave me valuable feedback to improve the storytelling in my memoir.

Some changes have occurred for this group. Traci moved to Oklahoma, though she still participates in the group via Facetime. And Jude Walsh joined their ranks.

I am blessed that they are interested in my memoir, want to hear more about my writing and publishing journey, and have invited me to be their guest at their December 21 meeting. I know it will be a major highlight for me.


