
Synchronicity: Anonymous Gifts from the Divine

I do believe in an everyday sort of magic — the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art, and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence when we…

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A Slice of Life

One of my online writing friends writes a blog piece everyday, even when she is traveling. When I told her my life wasn’t so interesting that I had something to write that often, she said she just writes a slice…

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The Heart of the Matter

For the first time since November 11, 2005, after my yearly nuclear stress test, last week my cardiologist told me that my heart has improved. Eleven years ago, after two weeks of chest pains, I submitted to my first such stress test. I was…

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Making a Difference

I think most of us need to know we make a difference. It gives our life meaning and purpose. In my professional life, I had opportunities to make a difference almost daily. Recently a chance encounter reminded me of one…

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Searching for Silence in a Noisy World

Silence is the discipline by which the inner fire of God is tended and kept. ~Henri Nouwen Recently, in a doctor’s office waiting room, three other women and I contently read books while the lone man sitting in front of me…

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Revisiting Beliefs

A member of our Angel Group told us she wasn’t sure what she believed anymore. And so, last week it was suggested we all share what we believe. A lively discussion ensued. I listened silently. Then Carol turned to me…

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2015 Reflections ~ 2016 Intentions

For me, 2015 started at Thanksgiving 2014. As was often true for me during the holidays, I was focused on what was missing in my life and feeling depressed. I was stuck in the writing of my memoir and felt the…

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Facing My Fear of Conflict

“When you’re scared, you stay as you are.” ~Stephen Richards, author of Releasing You From Fear Our world is turbulent. As I write this, we’ve just experienced the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11. Fourteen people lost their lives….

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A Moving Re-creation

Moving, even when desired, is considered one of the top five stressful life events because it disrupts our routine. I took possession of my new home on October 5 and immediately began to try to create order out of chaos…

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Why Do I Write a Blog?

The Mastermind Group to which I belong met yesterday. Two of us write blogs and part of our goal is to increase our readership. At the end of our meeting, one member asked, “Why do you write a blog? What…

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